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How Can Float Therapy Help You Sleep Better?

Having trouble falling asleep? You aren’t alone. Over half of the adults surveyed worldwide1 say they aren’t satisfied with their sleep. Not getting enough quality sleep affects your daily life and can impact your health in the long run. In this blog, learn why sleeping well is important and how float therapy might be the answer to your sleep problems.

Why is sleeping well important?

Good sleep is essential to staying healthy. It is the prime time you rest and recover, with all different types of body parts working hard to prepare you to function for the next day. Healthy young adults require seven or more hours of sleep per night.

If you get insufficient sleep, your body’s repair processes will be disturbed. Not only will this negatively impact your daytime energy, memory, performance, and cognitive skills, but it will also affect calorie regulation, risk of heart disease, and athletic performance. The effect of deep sleep on health is particularly important in children and teenagers, as growth hormone release peaks at night.

In addition to physical health, not getting enough sleep can affect your mental health. We all know what it’s like to get only a few hours of sleep and get out of bed the next day feeling moody or bad. Repeat this over multiple nights, weeks, or months, and you’ll see why poor sleep is closely linked to depression – in fact, people who have insomnia are ten times more likely to develop depression compared to people who get regular, healthy sleep.

There are many reasons why people may find it difficult to get a good night’s rest, whether that be due to their lifestyle or health conditions. Human bodies follow circadian rhythms, which are 24-hour cycles based on regular shifts in light and temperature. These cycles regulate when we sleep and wake up, core body temperature, the immune system, hormones, and more. If these rhythms are disrupted – for example, by staying up too late –, falling and staying asleep can be extremely difficult. This sleep disorder is called insomnia.

Poor sleep patterns can often be fixed by addressing the issues that cause them. But if you have lifestyle or health conditions outside of your control, you may want to try a different treatment to fix your sleep routine. This is where float therapy can help.

Why can’t you fall asleep?

There are many reasons why people may find it difficult to get a good night’s rest, whether that be due to their lifestyle or health conditions. Human bodies follow circadian rhythms, which are 24-hour cycles based on regular shifts in light and temperature. These cycles regulate when we sleep and wake up, core body temperature, the immune system, hormones, and more. If these rhythms are disrupted – for example, by staying up too late –, falling and staying asleep can be extremely difficult. This sleep disorder is called insomnia.

Poor sleep patterns can often be fixed by addressing the issues that cause them. But if you have lifestyle or health conditions outside of your control, you may want to try a different treatment to fix your sleep routine. This is where float therapy can help.

How does floating help you sleep better?

Float therapy is an effective sleep aid that has been shown to decrease stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and some forms of chronic pain; all factors which can disrupt sleep and make you feel tired.

In a float session, the floater lies in a pool of shallow, body-temperature water filled with Epsom salts. This curated environment is designed to allow the user to feel like they are effortlessly floating without the weight of gravity, creating a perfectly calming space. Not only does this rejuvenate your mind, but it also allows your muscles to fully relax, reducing muscle tension that may interfere with sleep.

Floaters often fall asleep in the float tank, but if they don’t, they are still likely to enter a deeply relaxing, highly meditative state. The effects of float therapy extend beyond the session alone. Studies have shown that over 12 sessions of float therapy, participants’ nighttime sleep greatly improved, with benefits maintained even after six months.2

Can floating help with sleep disorders?

Yes, floating puts you in a deep state of relaxation, which helps with insomnia. Research shows that floating makes the brain enter a restful yet aware state, similar to stage 1 light sleep.3 Here, the body’s blood pressure and heart rate drops. High blood pressure and heart rate have been associated with insomnia and sleeping poorly, the likely connection being increased stress.4 As such, floating can help users improve sleep

    More tips for if you have trouble sleeping

    • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: A healthy adult needs at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. Aim to have the same sleep and wake-up time every day to help set your body’s internal clock, and get plenty of natural sunlight early in the day.
    • Reduce exposure to blue light at night: Screens with a bright light reduce your ability to produce melatonin, a hormone that plays a large role in sleep. Avoid looking at phones and computers before you get to sleep, and use a sleep mask if you cannot avoid these lights from other sources.
    • Take fewer naps during the day: Taking naps during the day can imbalance your internal clock. If you must catch up on sleep debt, limit naps to only one hour and avoid taking naps past the early afternoon hours.
    • Invest in a comfortable bed and pillow: A poor-quality bed can cause back pain, making it harder to fall and stay asleep. Comfortable bedding allows you to fall asleep faster and get better sleep.
    • Do regular exercise: Regular physical exercise will result in better sleep. However, as exercise stimulates the body, you should try to do it at least a few hours before bed.
    • Don’t eat or drink before you sleep: Sleeping can be difficult if your body is still digesting food. You should avoid alcohol and caffeine, in particular.
    • Improve your sleep environment: Keep your room dark as you go to sleep, and avoid sleeping in temperatures that are too hot or cold.
    • Try some relaxation techniques: Stress can affect your sleep quality. Try different techniques to calm yourself, such as taking a warm bath, listening to soft music, practising mindfulness meditation, or trying progressive muscle relaxation.
    • Keep a sleep diary: A sleeping diary is a record of when you sleep and wake up. Tracking your sleep hygiene helps you develop healthy sleep habits and stay in optimal health.

    Get a good night’s sleep with Infinity Float

    Modern life can make sleeping difficult, but we can help you improve your sleep quality with the benefits of float therapy. Infinity Float is located in Botany Downs, Auckland, and is open seven days a week. Make a booking through our website or stop by in person to start getting a better night’s sleep now.


    1. https://www.philips.com/c-dam/b2c/master/experience/smartsleep/world-sleep-day/2020/2020-world-sleep-day-report.pdf
    2. https://www.naturalmedicinejournal.com/journal/floatation-therapy-specific-health-concerns
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5707909/
    4. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/poor-sleep-linked-to-high-blood-pressure