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Top Reasons to Float

Float tank therapy has become an increasingly popular method of boosting wellness. Consider taking a dip and experiencing all the benefits of floating.

Top reasons to float

1. Pain and stress relief

A float tank works wonders for relieving pain. People who live with chronic aches and migraines find that the immersive experience can help provide pain relief, easing their muscle tension and tension headaches.

2. Boosted mood and well-being

Experience stress relief with float therapy. The relaxing experience of lying in Epsom salt water can help reduce cortisol levels and stress hormones. Floating can also help release endorphins, improve mood, and heighten overall well-being. Both result in reducing stress levels.

3. Enhanced sleep quality

Enjoy better sleep with floatation therapy. The deep relaxation induced by being submerged in the float tank can help people fall asleep faster after the float, enjoy deep sleep, improve sleep patterns, and have higher-quality sleep.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

4. Unlocked creativity and problem-solving skills

Experience renewed creativity and problem-solving skills by allowing your brain to concentrate. The reduced noise and other stimulation during floating provide the ideal environment for concentration, with many people experiencing increased mental clarity both during and after their float. Some also find that this can aid their brain in developing new ideas and concepts as they are free of external distractions.

5. Scientifically backed benefits

Studies1 have demonstrated that floating therapy and regular floating reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Other studies2 have demonstrated that floating provides enough calm and relaxation to temporarily lower blood pressure.

Muscle relaxation and recovery

6. Muscle relaxation and recovery

Relax your muscles with floating. Floating is popular with athletes, as the high magnesium concentration in saltwater can reduce and relieve inflammation, promoting increased blood circulation. The saltwater in the tank is concentrated at a level that fully supports the body's weight, reducing pressure on muscles. Both can promote faster healing, which can help improve athletic performance.

7. Secure and effective floating

Enjoy a completely safe float. Some people are a bit apprehensive before their first float as they may be unsure of what to expect. However, they can be reassured that float tank therapy is entirely safe. Even if you fall asleep in a float tank (not uncommon!) The saltwater supports your weight, so there is no risk of turning over or sinking. Float tanks are consistently filtered and disinfected between floats, and the high percentage of salt creates a sterile environment.

8. Zero-gravity environment for joint relief

Enjoy reduced pressure on your joints. The 50% salt concentration creates the perfect formula for the body to float without resistance. This formula frees the joints from their pressure and can be invaluable to those with chronic joint pain, another physical benefit of floatation therapy.

9. Sensory deprivation for deeper meditation

Experience deeper meditation, one of the most popular benefits of floating. People find that removing all the external stimuli in the world around them and the distractions they experience daily allows for an ultimately relaxed environment that promotes deeper focus and inner peace.

Sensory deprivation for deeper meditation

10. Improved skin with salt water

Benefit from clearer skin with floatation therapy. Another way float tanks provide physical perks is through the impact of the salt itself on the skin. Many use Epsom salt as an exfoliator, removing dirt from pores. Being immersed in a float tank provides the whole body with this benefit.

11. Greater mindfulness and inner focus

Experience enhanced self-awareness with floating. Floating is often used as a meditation aid - many people find it enhances their sense of self-reflection as they are more physically and mentally aware than ever of their own bodies.

Experience flotation therapy today

Sensory tank floating provides a variety of natural benefits. It can improve sports performance for athletes, aid rest, help people to relax, promote recovery, aid creativity, and reduce anxiety and other brain issues resulting from the stress of everyday life. Block out the world and experience ultimate tranquillity by booking your float session

Wanting to know exactly what to expect from your first float experience? We’re here to support you at every step for the ultimate relaxation that is floating, so you can enjoy every minute. Check out our deep dive into what to expect for your first float.

Experience flotation therapy today


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4807536/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK594333/